Social media, particularly Instagram, can be flooded with imagery of locations we cannot afford and people with faces no human can have, but it also has a wonderful corner called Bookstagram. Bookstagram (A section of Instagram for books lovers) has thousands of accounts, but here are 8 Bookstagrammers you need to follow for bookstagram inspiration…

But before we get there what is Bookstagram Inspiration? 

Bookstagram Inspiration: How to set up photos, which books to read, how to travel with books… It’s all there. 

ONE: Hannah | Brews.and.Books

Hannah is one of the most intelligent people I’ve met, and she critiques books from all angles. You will see a variety of genres with thorough analysis, PLUS her pictures are lovely images of Books, Puppies, and Baked Goods with some lovely brewed coffees. Give her a follow!

Let me admit that I’ve known Hannah in real life for a few years, and we are VERY close friends, so I am biased, but her bookstagram is rad. It gives me AMAZING bookstagram inspiration.

I have her as number one for a few reasons:

  • she introduced me to bookstagram. 
  • She gave me tips when I started.
  • Some of the people below are people she pointed out to me. 
  • Hannah hosts a podcast with Laura (#7) called On Wednesdays We Read (OWWR POD) that I LOVE. Again, I am biased, as I have been on it, but it’s solid. 

TWO: Jordan | _completelybooked

Jordan is fantastic. Jordan does more reels than most bookstagrammers I follow, and each one is a delight and HIGHLY relatable. She hosts an online book club that people can join. Plus, She reads a large number of books which I love, and she cracks me up. 

She also focuses on multiple books by authors that don’t get enough play in mainstream book blogs. Jordan gives great tips on promoting diverse literature, and is active on stories daily. Her bookstagram is SO entertaining, and it will keep you informed. Plus, it will broaden your booky horizons

THREE: Shaley | 2reador2write

Shaley is a unique trend-setter. While other people I follow, I follow for the information they write, or the books they recommend, Shaley I follow because her photos are art. 

She crafts scenes out of books and places herself in them. In some photos she sits in a sleigh of books, in others she falls off the side of a building of novels. She rides book bikes. AND MORE!!

It’s truly beautiful.

Whenever she posts something, I give it a like. Then, I sit for about 10 minutes and try to understand how she has no shadows in her pictures.  

FOUR: Kelly | KellyBarbazette

Kelly’s bookstagram rings similar to Hannah’s (great books, solid images, fun analysis) but with a focus on more upmarket fiction. Lots of books she highlights are perfect for adding to your book club lists, and she writes solid reviews. She posts VERY regularly, and she’s super responsive. 

FIVE: Cayla | bookitqueen 

Cayla is hilarious. She dominates on bookstagram reels. I send them to my friends all the time. Watching people laugh at them is one of my true booky pleasures. 

With a heavy focus on BIPOC literature, you’ll find plenty of underrepresented MUST reads on her feed. (Sad to say they are underrepresented, but the publishing world is VERY white). 

A particular favorite series (Unofficial?) on her reels are her book buying ban fails.Plus, she dances so much that you both want to dance and read – A conundrum I never expected. 

SIX: Ethan | Abookaweekblog

Ethan’s bookstagram feed has an AESTHETIC. 

His posts are uniform, lovely, and look like art. They look like art in a way that GQ would if they photographed books instead of sexy men. 

Ethan posts about once a week (sometimes more) and his book choices are solid. As I personally read mostly lady authors, he’s a good place to go to for more men (he does read women too, but he has more of an even split than myself). 

SEVEN: Laura | Goodbooksgreatgoats

On the other side of OWWR POD, Laura! Laura has a newer bookstagram (with lots of followers already… I’m not jealous). She’s kicking butt. 

She has a wonderful angle: Goats. 

I love it, I live for it, and it brings me more joy than I can express. The only thing she hasn’t done yet that I want her to do? Feed books she hates to the goats. I’m still waiting for a rachel hollis feeding frenzy, Laura. 

EIGHT: Veronica | ronniereadsregularly

ME!!!! Follow me. I love reading, I sometimes write reviews, and I often highlight my dog.

I’m more of a story poster than a post poster, so you’ll follow along on my rants as books piss me off, polls about characters that upset me, and hyping other bookstagrammers!

I will be posting more this year as I’ve increased my reading goal to 75 books from my usual 50. Come see if I make it. 

If nothing else, go to Instagram and search #bookstagram. Give it a scroll. 

Post your favorite accounts in the comments below, so I can give them a follow! Where do you find your Bookstagram Inspiration? Want to read more about my opinions on books? Want to write something more direct, head over to the contact us page